Birthday so far
I am notorious for how little regard I give to birthday celebrations and the like... and yet..
My time of birth was almost here, and I was yet to get cake. Divya was in a call with friends. I thought I will take the kids and get the cake. To my dismay, Kittu would not accompany me. Niya was not going to let me go alone, and we drove to the Cold Stone creamery for the third time this month. We had some quality time - I tried to liberate her from the daunting rat race that she is supposed to enter soon.
The hall was already decorated with the party decor that was done for Kittu's birthday. Why not? I covered the billiards table with the table tops, Achchan and Amma rearranged the balloons from Kittu's birthday that were lying on the floor. Amma told me to put on the jubba that Amma and Achchan had brought in from India this visit.
Cake cutting, family selfies, the works. My parents were here when Kittu was born. That was eleven years back. That was the last time the entire family was together for my birthday. So this is indeed a special birthday. Also, special were the mandas that Achchan,Amma and Divya prepared for me.
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