The Coronavirus pledge

You have heard a lot about what you can do to prevent getting infected with the coronavirus. That is what you have been hearing over and over so much so that you have started to not heed to it anymore.

Let me introduce you to the "Break the Chain" campaign initiated by the Kerala government. Yes, "Hand Wash" figures here too. What is different  is the motivation. The campaign motivates the individual to ensure that he/she is not the carrier for the corona virus.

The campaign video is here

This is the translation of the content.

With the first paradigm of protecting yourself, you can take it easy on yourself if you feel that you are strong and healthy and you can take a disease about as strong as the flu.

But when it is about the responsibility of not being a carrier, of not being part of the chain that spreads the virus onto any other person directly or indirectly, you have no such leverage. You place a virus on the door handle, an eighty year old touches the handle, gets infected and dies in two weeks. You are responsible. A teenager walks in to the same shop, the virus jumps on to his hand, and then into his car. In the evening, he takes his elderly grandma out somewhere in the car. She contracts the virus, you are responsible.

So, you are on the hook. But you are in charge as well. You can control where you touch. You can ensure that you wash your hands. You can discipline yourself.

What excites me about the paradigm is it's power. If enough good people figure out how to work on themselves to ensure that they have not caused a spread, then multiple of these virus chains are going to shatter just as it was on it's way to lash out at a weak person.

The teenager had taken the pledge that he would not be a carrier. So, he used his pocket hand sanitizer before entering his car and hence the chain was broken and his grandma was saved. Or you had ensured that you had washed your hands and hence the door handle had no virus.

Let us break the chain guys.All it takes is a little discipline, and the situation warrants it. It is a worthwhile cause.

"I pledge that the coronavirus shall not spread through me onto another person directly or indirectly". Do you?


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