Corona Karaoke

Corona is about keeping people physically apart. It is also about bringing people together. Neighbors streets away and friends oceans away are now equidistant. Christmas 2017, we had a karaoke meet at Richu's home. That had involved Pravin driving cross country from New York. Now, there is no distance. Everyone has to stay home all the time. Just finished an online karaoke session with Richu & Gowri, Pravin & Nisha and us. It was good fun. We had a planning call earlier on today on how to set things up, what software to use, how to connect karaoke systems and so on. We did some basic zoom POC tests over other conversations as well. The conclusion was to start with a simple zoom conference, with the laptop showing the three families on screen. Each family would take turns singing, while the others mute their mikes. With plans in place, we took a break for Pravin & Nisha to feed kids dinner as they are still in New York, three ho...