
Showing posts from March, 2020

Corona Karaoke

Corona is about keeping people physically apart.  It is also about bringing people together. Neighbors streets away and friends oceans away are now equidistant.  Christmas 2017,  we had a karaoke meet at Richu's home.  That had involved Pravin driving cross country from New York. Now, there is no distance. Everyone has to stay home all the time. Just finished an online karaoke session with Richu & Gowri, Pravin & Nisha and us. It was good fun. We had a planning call earlier on today on how to set things up, what software to use, how to connect karaoke systems and so on. We did some basic zoom POC tests over other conversations as well. The conclusion was to start with a simple zoom conference, with the laptop showing the three families on screen. Each family would take turns singing, while the others mute their mikes.  With plans in place, we took a break for Pravin & Nisha to feed kids dinner as they are still in New York, three ho...

Corona shopping and break the chain

Break the chain is a very effective initiative that we corona carriers can take to prevent the spread of the corona virus. Everyone is a carrier at this point. So, I went shopping and first thing, I pulled the disinfectant wipe that the store had. But there were no carts around. Due to the shelter-at-home lock down announced, the store was crowded and there were no carts at all. I met my neighbor and colleague and I did not shake hands with them. One point for breaking the chain. Finally found the cart, wiped the cart handle in the front with the wipe. One more point for breaking the chain. Later on while moving the cart around, found myself pulling the cart from the other edge. I had only wiped the handle with disinfectant,not the entire cart. So I had touched non-disinfected portions of the cart. My hands had corona virus now. There are items I touched with this infected hand and put into my cart. But I am taking them home. No one else is touching them. So I can be pardoned ...

The Coronavirus pledge

You have heard a lot about what you can do to prevent getting infected with the coronavirus. That is what you have been hearing over and over so much so that you have started to not heed to it anymore. Let me introduce you to the "Break the Chain" campaign initiated by the Kerala government. Yes, "Hand Wash" figures here too. What is different  is the motivation. The campaign motivates the individual to ensure that he/she is not the carrier for the corona virus. The campaign video is here This is the translation of the content. With the first paradigm of protecting yourself, you can take it easy on yourself if you feel that you are strong and healthy and you can take a disease about as strong as the flu. But when it is about the responsibility of not being a carrier, of not being part of the chain that spreads the virus onto any other...

Break the Chain Campaign

Coronavirus is almost like this chain of beads. From one person to another, and then to a lot of people. There is only one way to chase the virus away - that is by breaking the chain. If this virus, that started from Wuhan has spread to the entire world now, it has spread from one human to another. If for Chicken Guinea, and Dengue fever, the disease was spread through mosquitoes, the corresponding spreading mosquitoes for the Coronavirus is we humans.  And so, if we try hard and sincerely, we can control the coronavirus. We are ready to do anything we can to control the virus. The question we are asking ourselves all the time is what can we do to control the virus. The answer to that is "Break the Chain" Please do not take this disease lightly. If it goes out of control, everything will get shattered to pieces. The biggest danger with the corona virus is that we cannot know whether we have contracted this virus or not.  Even though the virus might not have manifested...