Thaiparambil get-together at Mango Meadows Kaduthuruthy July 28 2019
As our car got closer to Mango Meadows resort, the greenness in the last few interior drive stretches was so much that it felt like green is the only color around here. Wet green kerala glow all around the greenery. Guide walk The trip had started with a guide walking us through the campus and talking about the traditional significance and the traditional use of some of the thousands of species of trees in the campus. While it was informative, it was starting to feel like a boring school study tour, especially as the descriptive prose is more applicable to the future state of these young trees. It is hard to give a bone thin tree credit for having had it's bark being used as clothing by yester-year rishis. The guide walk slowly disintegrated, and small groups started doing their own walks. Cycling Niya, Vichu and Arnu got themselves cycles that were free to use for half an hour, the younger kids played in the childrens play area, adults were most...